Slimming diets at home: an effective menu

There are many ways to make your figure slimmer, but one of the most popular is food restriction. There are many different diet regimens that help you get rid of excess pounds, adjust your silhouette and at the same time continue to lead your usual lifestyle. What simple diets for weight loss at home will help you lose weight correctly and achieve the desired results in a short time, read further.

Rules for weight loss at home

Before choosing one or the other diet for yourself, you should prepare yourself mentally for the fact that you will have to limit yourself to food. To some, this may seem simple, but in fact, reducing calories or giving up your favorite foods also leads to stress. So it is important to prepare for a severe food restriction by gradually reducing food intake so that the body begins to get used to the new diet.

The basic rules for losing weight at home are:

  • desire to reduce calories;
  • well-formed fractional nutrition;
  • Consume an adequate amount of water every day.

Diet for men

effective diet for weight loss for men

Losing weight for a man is not only a way to get rid of extra pounds, but also to make his figure more attractive, adding relief and muscle. To do this, you need to create an accurate diet, which will not only promote weight loss, but also provide the required amount of energy. A prerequisite will be a visit to the gym, where it will be possible to arrange the relief of your body.

You will need to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. All fried, smoked, salted dishes, trans fats, potatoes or chips, pasta, fast food, beer are deleted from the menu. But whole grains, legumes, asparagus, lean, steamed or cooked meats, vegetables and plenty of water are welcome to maintain water balance. The protein content in the body should not be less than 200 g per day, so it is important to consume legumes and soy products.

Effective diet for women

As for women, they are more likely to follow their emotions when choosing a particular diet. You can not put yourself in a rigid frame, otherwise you can damage your body, which is already constantly subjected to stress due to hormonal changes. The basis of any weight loss should not be the rejection of food, but the regulation of the diet, which will change the processes in the body and direct them to the breakdown of body fat.

What should be an effective diet for a woman:

  1. Exclusion from the diet of fast carbohydrates: muffins, cakes, sugar.
  2. Foods are divided into 4-5 meals a day.
  3. Eating at night is prohibited.
  4. It is also not recommended to exclude physical activity during the period of weight loss.
  5. Drink a glass of water every 2 hours.

Diet products for weight loss at home

If you do not want to choose a certain diet and limit yourself to the diet plan, then you can simply exclude from the diet foods that are more harmful to your body, increasing the amount of fat and raw substances. This includes:

  • fried meat;
  • any baked goods, biscuits;
  • smoked meats;
  • sallo;
  • margarine;
  • alcohol;
  • mayonnaise or ketchup;
  • sugar;
  • bread, even rye;
  • carbonated drinks.

These foods should be replaced with less heavy foods that contain carbohydrates, vegetable fats, fiber and protein:

Diet products for home weight loss
  • lean meat;
  • light soups;
  • natural kos;
  • carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • bishtajore
  • dried fruits;
  • arra;
  • fennel, parsley, celery;
  • lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, apple;
  • buckwheat;
  • kefir up to 1% fat;
  • fresh whole wheat bread.

An Effective Weight Loss Diet At Home

There are many diets that will help you lose weight and adjust your figure as you wish, but not all are suitable for every person. Choosing a diet should be very careful, taking into account individual needs. It is best to contact a specialist who will recommend a specific nutritional system or make up your personal diet. Here are some simple ways to lose weight at home.

Weekly home weight loss diet

Losing about 6-8 kg per week is quite realistic. This option is especially suitable for those who are going on vacation and want to show luxurious shapes on the beach.

Weekly diet has its contraindications:

  • heart disease;
  • lactation period;
  • gastrointestinal pathology.

If these contraindications do not apply to you, get ready for a limited diet, and in a few days, even a complete refusal of food. How the weekly diet goes per day:

  • 1 - drink only mineral water, food is forbidden.
  • 2 - you can drink a liter of milk for the whole day, an apple is allowed in the evening.
  • 3 - again only water.
  • 4 - salad of fresh vegetables with sunflower or olive oil, tea without sugar or water.
  • 5 - again just a liter of milk and an apple.
  • 6 - the exit begins: one egg for breakfast, 100 g of boiled meat for lunch, fruit for dinner.
  • 7 - cottage cheese with tea for breakfast, soup with vegetables and boiled meat for lunch, baked potatoes and 100 g of fish in the evening.

Diet for rapid weight loss at home

Another way to lose weight is the easy diet for weight loss at home - mono-diet, which means by their name the consumption of only one or two foods for a certain time. There are bananas, apples, chocolate, rice, cabbage, but the most popular are the diets with kefir and buckwheat.

The main rules of mono-diet are:

  • Abstaining from eating something other than the main food.
  • It is advisable to stop intensive training in the gym, because the body will not have time to recover and can weaken.
  • Contraindicated in pregnant women and during lactation, people suffering from gastrointestinal problems.
  • The product shown in the daily menu should be divided into 5 meals.
buckwheat diet for rapid weight loss

Mono buckwheat diet will help you lose 7 kg in a week. The diet will consist of only one cereal, which is cooked with boiling water overnight: boil 400 g of buckwheat overnight and eat during the day. You can only drink water.

Such a strict regimen starts to be difficult to tolerate within 2-3 days, so you have to tune in seriously to achieve results.

The kefir diet lasts 3 days and allows you to consume only 2 liters of low-fat kefir per day.

Protein diet

This way of losing weight will be especially appealing to those who can not live a day without meat. A protein diet is suitable for men looking to gain muscle mass, but it is important to devote time to intensive training in the gym. It is important not to eat fatty fried meat, giving preference only to dietary products: turkey, chicken fillet, beef, fish, rabbit.

This diet has a number of contraindications:

  • liver pathology;
  • heart disease;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • kidney disease;
  • joint diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • not recommended for seniors.

There is no strict way as such, but to achieve the result, you must adhere to the rules:

  • do not eat 2 hours before bedtime;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • drink only non-carbonated water;
  • exclude fatty, sweet and salty foods;
  • increases consumption of green vegetables;
  • you should eat fractionally 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Diet for weight loss

The diet of a famous doctor received positive reviews, thanks to which women successfully lose extra pounds by turning their waist into an aspen. Designed for 3 months. During this time, the body is completely rebuilt into a new diet and painlessly begins to lose weight. The diet is based on the principles:

  • improve digestion;
  • learn how to accurately count calories and not exceed their rate;
  • do not starve;
  • eat 5 times a day in portions not more than 200 g.

What should a diet example look like for a person choosing this diet:

  • Breakfast- porridge, boiled egg, apple.
  • Second Breakfast- low fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch- 130 g salad with meat and vegetables.
  • Snack- orange / grapefruit.
  • Dinner- roasted zucchini, cabbage salad, apples.

For 3 days

If you urgently need to lose 3-5 kg ​​extra, then cheap home diets are suitable. Shocking diet is contraindicated in the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy, after surgery. For three days, you can consume only water and non-carbonated milk (and only on the second day you can drink 1 liter of milk, the rest of the time, mineral water is indicated). Only on the fourth day it will be possible to eat 100 grams of buckwheat, a salad with light vegetables.

Simple diet for weight loss in fruits and vegetables

simple diet for weight loss at home

Another diet, called lazy or simple, involves a complete rejection of meat and starchy foods, replacing them with fruits and vegetables. Thanks to her, you can lose up to 3 kg per week.

Eat only when you have a strong feeling of hunger. In addition, you should drink up to 2 liters of water every day. It is permissible to observe this diet no more than 7 days, after which it is necessary to arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week for prevention.

Home Food Rules

A very important point remains the consolidation of results and getting out of a strict diet, because you hardly want your efforts to be wasted and those extra pounds to be returned. The main thing to remember is that a return to the previous diet is contraindicated. If you want to stay lean, then forget about fatty foods and get used to the fact that only light and healthy foods should always be on the table.

The harmless route will depend on the type of diet you choose in advance, but there are some general guidelines:

  1. Gradually increase the amount of vegetables and fruits you eat.
  2. If meat, fish and poultry were banned during weight loss, return to them slowly, starting with 100 g per day.
  3. In the first 10 days, include in your diet fats and carbohydrates in the form of chocolate, whole grain breads and fruits (avocados and grapes), but not more than 200 kcal.
  4. Register for a gym, but gradually increase your intensity. The body needs time to recover from a strict diet. As a start, you can go hiking, cycling, yoga and then switch to more active types.
  5. Do not stop drinking too much water. Drink at least 2 liters a day, excluding tea, herbal teas, juice, coffee and liquid soups.
  6. It is also necessary to take multivitamin complexes that will help the body recover faster and provide the necessary nutrients.
  7. Continue to eat small meals, up to 6 times a day. Only satisfy hunger when necessary, but do not overeat.
  8. beast better not to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, then enjoy fruits or vegetables.
  9. Exit should last at least 10 days, but not more than 2 weeks. During this time, you will be able to completely reorganize into a new diet that will help you keep your body slim and beautiful.