Effective weight loss involves two options weight loss:
1. Get rid of excess weight and improvement of the General state of the organism for a long time. Effective methods of loss of weight in this case:
- Healthy lifestyle;
- Balanced diet;
- Regular dosed physical load.
2. Restore an important number of kilos in a short time. For this effective weight loss tend to use:
- Hunger;
- Mono diet;
- Hard low calorie diet.
Excess weight accumulates in the body over a prolonged period, and if a couple of kilos to a lot discomfort you don't deliver, then, more that the increase of weight increases the load on all the organs and systems, deterioration of health in general, there are problems of psychological. You must identify effective methods of weight loss you should choose to solve.
At first glance, it is preferable to get rid of excess weight quickly. To choose the right diet and in a short period of time, severely limiting the diet, to find ancient elegance. In this case, that a strong weight loss because of the power shortage causes the body to enter in power saving mode for a reduction of the metabolic rate. Therefore, after the diet, when food is restored in the usual way, fell the weight quickly returns. And because the metabolism is slower, gain another pound. It is for this reason that it is believed that the General formula for all diets fast effective weight loss – "minus ten, fifteen", the so-called "effect yo-yo".
Almost all of the effective methods of losing weight in a short period of time, have a lot of contraindications and have a negative impact on the health status and the health in General. Although many of those who had to use them to lose a few kilos, will be adjusted to the figure before important life events (a birthday, a wedding, a trip to a resort, etc.).
A reasonable approach to the problem of excess weight for the effectiveness of weight loss should focus not on the short-term results of a brief, harsh restrictions, and a fundamental change not only of style and the diet, but the lifestyle in General.
Effective weight loss at home
Effective weight loss at home is easily attainable. Compliance with the rules of the offer and the form of the physical activity in the time it would be not only the result to the figure, in order to establish the family life, but also greatly improve the condition.
The most significant component of effective weight loss at home complete and balanced food, which includes:
- The right protein lean meats, poultry, legumes, low-fat dairy products, and dairy products;
- Healthy fats – fatty fish that contain omega-fatty acids, vegetable oils, mainly olive and flax seeds, butter, low-fat;
- Carbohydrate complex – whole wheat bread, oatmeal, rice, various fruits and berries, nuts, honey natural;
- The optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates – the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is established that in the daily diet should arrive the following number of calories of 45-65% carbohydrates, 20-35% fat, 10-35% from protein. For those who want to lose weight should follow the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 30-20-50;
- Vitamins in sufficient quantity – a lot of fruits, vegetables, mainly raw, liver, beef, dried fruits;
- Foods that help to cleanse the body and stimulate weight loss of ginger, garlic, white wine, balsamic vinegar;
- Drinking water, at least 1.5-2.0 liters per day, it is recommended to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before eating.
All of the food that is on the table for the effectiveness of the weight loss must be healthy. It should leave semi-finished products and products of industrial manufacture, due to the high content of preservatives, emulsifiers, TRANS fats, flavorings, flavor enhancers and other chemical compounds. There are No cookies, potato chips, fast food (fast food), sweets and carbonated beverages and juices from packages.
Dishes must be prepared from fresh organic products that are better bought on the market or in special sections of supermarkets.As little as possible to marinade food in a bit, the use of sea or iodized salt. Sufficient amount of salt is already contained in the product, while the excess retains water in the body, preventing their purification, increases the inflammation and slows down the process of weight loss.
Important point effective weight loss is a proper diet. Preferably there are at the same time, at least 4-5 times a day, small portions. The dinner no later than seven in the evening or at least four hours before you go to sleep.
A useful addition to the diet, allows you to save performance and to increase the effectiveness of the measures to reduce weight are drugs that help balance the cellular metabolism.
A necessary step in any weight loss program nutritionists believe cleaning modern drugs. They actively absorb only harmful, toxic substances in abundance enters the bloodstream through breakdown of fat deposits. These toxins cause the characteristic of the diet nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, disorders of stool, dull skin, appearance of pimples and blemishes. This sorbent is well fills the stomach, thus creating a feeling of satiety, it sucks too much juice gastric and enzymes that counteract the effect of an irritant on the wall of the stomach. Stop receiving long courses in contrast to other sorbents.
Exercise for effective weight loss
Regular exercise and the dose of exercise necessary for the effectiveness of the weight loss by increasing the consumption of energy, strengthen muscle tone, improve circulation and healing of the body.
Daily following simple set of exercises such as a morning or afternoon of the load will accelerate weight loss and improve the general level of physical condition:
- To lift hands through the parties, stretch and bend in the chest, lifting it in his fingers. To fall on a full foot, hands through the sides down;
- A hand on the strap, second hand, raised above his head, run circles. To change hands;
- Hands at the waist, lifting on tip, perform ankle circles to the left and right sides the same way;
- Feet about shoulder width apart, hands at the waist, the circular movement of the waist to the right and to the left;
- Feet about shoulder width apart, hands at the waist, put his left foot to the left, lean to your right hand on the head extends to the left parallel to the ground. Repeat in the other direction.
Also for the effectiveness of weight loss will be useful:
- Feet together, arms down, lifting your arms, alternating legs, back stroke;
- Feet shoulder width apart, hands at the waist, rotate the trunk to the left with a movement of the right hand to the left and Vice versa;
- Hands in front of you at chest height, feet shoulder width apart, swing the front of the foot to the hand, the fingers of the feet touch the fingers;
- Feet together, arms along the body, squats, with hands outstretched to alternate with squats, when the hands touch the ground,
- Feet together, four jumps on both feet, two jumps to the right and the left leg.
The first time that you can do all the exercises 2-4 times, the gradual increase of the load. Optimally perform each exercise 8-10 times, until you feel a good fatigue.
Effective weight loss is only possible when the desire to look good and feel more than tasty and a lot of food, and not to move too much.