It is possible to lose weight without a diet if you use comprehensive measures, including massages, wraps and physical exercises. For example, wraps remove belly fat in a short time, and physical exercises help tighten the skin and lose excess weight.
2 January 2024
The watermelon diet is a tough, easy, and free weight loss option. A sample menu, contraindications, benefits and harms of losing weight with the help of an amazing berry.
16 August 2022
Protein diet for weight loss: menu for the week. How protein affects the body, the good, the bad, the allowed and forbidden foods.
29 July 2022
The essence and options for a protein diet. List of permitted and prohibited products. Sample menu for three days, a week and a month.
16 September 2020
How to lose weight quickly and effectively within a week? Last Chance Diet, Fulton Diet and Extra Weight Loss Tricks.
15 September 2020
Not watermelon lose weight? Its composition helps to remove excess fluids from the body. Low calorie allows you there is fruit in unlimited quantities. Days of fasting and diet.
26 June 2019
Diet for a week will help you to buy it. However, we encourage you to consult with your doctor.
26 March 2019